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L'AFCO ha approvato a larghissima maggioranza il Rapporto per le riforma dei Trattati

Doménec Ruiz Devesa

Oggi la Commissione affari costituzionali del Parlamento Europeo (AFCO) ha approvato a larghissima maggioranza (19 a 6 con un'astensione) il Rapporto con le propose per la riforma dei Trattati dell'UE preparato dai membri del Consiglio del Gruppo Spinelli Guy Verhofstadt, Sven Simon, Gabrielle Bischoff, Daniel Freund e Helmut Scholz.

È solo il primo passo dell’iter di approvazione, ma è importante che sia andata così bene; così come è importate che la presidenza spagnola si sia pronunciata con tanta nettezza di fronte al PE per sostenere questo Rapporto, dichiarando il suo appoggio all’apertura della riforma dei Trattati e impegnandosi a procedere in modo da inviare subito al Consiglio europeo la richiesta di aprire la Convenzione. 

Il voto in plenaria si terrà a Strasburgo il 21 o il 22 novembre. Il Congresso del nostro Movimento che inizia venerdì sarà l’occasione migliore per parlare di come sostenere questa iniziativa coraggiosa.

Questo il comunicato stampa diramato dall'Unione Europea dei Federalisti.


UEF Welcomes Broad Support for Treaty Change Report, Launches Campaign for Institutional Reform of the EU

The Union of European Federalists Urges the European Parliament to Approve the Draft Report on the Amendment of the Treaty



Brussels, 25 October 2023


The Union of European Federalists welcomes the broad support that the draft report on the amendment of the treaties received today at the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) Committee and encourages Members of the European Parliament to approve the report at the plenary vote at the end of November.

In the meantime, the UEF and its sections all over Europe will organise street actions and other event to promote the draft report and educate about the need for the institutional reform of the European Union, as highlighted in the UEF resolution For a More Democratic Europe Now adopted at the Federal Committee of 21 October 2023.

Domènec Ruiz Devesa, President of the UEF said: "With the adoption of the report on the amendments to the Treaties in the AFCO Committee, we are following up on the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe and opening the way to the convention for the revision of the Treaties".

"Now we will keep working to obtain a wide majority in the Plenary of 22 November, so the Council will be able to forward the European Parliament's proposal to the European Council under the Spanish Presidency. Therefore, we will have an opportunity to discuss the citizens' priorities for a more effective European Union in December,” Domènec Ruiz Devesa added.

He concluded: "With these amendments to the Treaties, we are delivering on the citizens' expectations. Europe will improve its decision-making, ending unanimity in the Council and extending the ordinary legislative procedure to all policy areas. We support granting the right to initiate legislation to the European Parliament and implementing new policies: The European Pillar of Social Rights, the Social Protocol, and the fight against climate change will become priorities and part of the Treaty."

For more information about the UEF campaign to promote the draft report on the amendment of the treaties, visit our campaign webpage.

The draft report on the amendment of the treaties which passed today with the approval of the AFCO committee follows directly from the European Parliament’s resolutions of June 2022 calling for a Convention, which was the institution’s response to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). The CoFoE gathered 400 European citizens who gave out a series of recommendations to improve the European Union.

The report will be presented at the European Parliament’s plenary at the end of November.



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